Chinese Parents, Schedule timeline and activity list

Introduction to the Schedule of activities

The turn is completed by selecting 6 activities to complete in the schedule. The six activities selected will complete together with 3 random daily activities. The 3 daily activities will be randomly mixed into the order set for the 6 activities and may be good or bad. You will also gain activity points. At the start of the game the order in which the activities complete doesn't matter. Later in the game when stress and satisfaction has been introduced, order can matter and attention needs to be paid to organising the schedule optimally.

Study Skills

Skill Class turns remaining Effect How learnt Cost
Turn Over General 47 Face +3, Constitution +6, Charm +6 Automatic  
Walk   46   Knowledge points Constitution norm 140, minumum 20
Learn to Speak   46   Knowledge points EQ norm 160, minimum 20
Be Patient   46   Knowledge points EQ norm 400, minimum 40
Painting Class   42   Automatic Imagination norm 900, minimum 20

Entertainment Skills

Skill Class turns remaining Effect How learnt
Clap to the Music Ent 47 Imagination +2, Charm +2, Action +5 Automatic

Daily Skills

Activity turns in effect Effect
Always Looking For Hugs 45 Imagination -5, Memory -5
Excited Grandpa 45 Face +5, Constitition -5, Charm +10
Got Scared 45 EQ -5
Dad Comes Home 44 Memory +15, Constitution -5
Can't Take This 44 EQ -10, Imagination +10
Bad Discipline 44 EQ -4
Cute Animals 43 IQ +10, EQ +10, Imagination +20
Who is your favorite? 43 EQ +20, Memory -5
Three Character Classics 43 IQ +10, Imagination +20, Memory -10
Favorite Food 42 IQ +10, Memory +10
Joy -> Sadness 42 Memory +20, Constitution -20
Three Character Classics 42 IQ +10, Imagination +20, Memory -10

Page last updated 27 Aug 2019