Shadow Spine

Killing Things

Emperor Draygun`s Shadow (named NPC):

Worse: Fallen Guard of Illsalin
Better: Free Traders of Malgrinnor, Scions of Dreadspire, Agents of Dreadspire

Fragment of Vishimtar (named NPC):

Worse: Vishimtar, Cursed Drakes

forgotten soul:

Worse: Fallen Guard of Illsalin
Better: Free Traders of Malgrinnor, Scions of Dreadspire, Agents of Dreadspire

lingering shadow:

Worse: Fallen Guard of Illsalin
Better: Free Traders of Malgrinnor, Scions of Dreadspire, Agents of Dreadspire

lost shade:

Worse: Fallen Guard of Illsalin
Better: Free Traders of Malgrinnor, Scions of Dreadspire, Agents of Dreadspire

The Harvester of Souls (named NPC):

Worse: Fallen Guard of Illsalin
Better: Free Traders of Malgrinnor, Scions of Dreadspire, Agents of Dreadspire

Vampiric Blades (named NPC):

Worse: Fallen Guard of Illsalin
Better: Free Traders of Malgrinnor, Scions of Dreadspire, Agents of Dreadspire


None to report